Dua Lipa talks dealing with online hate: “I get a real kick out of proving people wrong”


Dua Lipa is a global pop superstar and says the criticism she got early in her career “fueled” her into showing people they were wrong about her.

Speaking to Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1, Dua says, “There can be a moment where people really love you and you feel so supported and you’re like, ‘Oh, this is great.’ Especially in the beginning. I was doing interviews and people were like, ‘How do you deal with hate?’ And I’m like, ‘I don’t get any hate. It’s great.’ And then that changed really quickly.”

“I remember even when it was Grammy’s Best New Artist nomination and I’d won it and there was people online being like, ‘She’s not deserving of it. She’s got no stage presence. She can’t do this … she won’t be here next year.’ There was a lot of that. That fueled me in a way.”

She says, “Every time someone has doubted me, I’ve proved them wrong. … This is pushing me to be better, to work hard. And I get a real kick out of proving people wrong.”

Dua also discusses what she’s learned about relationships over the past few years.

“You learn about your own nonnegotiables. I think that’s an important thing,” she tells Lowe. “It’s of course the right person, but it’s really about the right relationship. What are you willing to give up? … Maybe you have an ick or something, or you see that someone is disloyal. I’m like, ‘That’s a nonnegotiable."”

“I want someone who’s loyal and open and honest, and that’s what I’m willing to be as well in return,” she adds. “You figure out what those things are for you.”

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