In a proclamation by Governor JB Pritzker, November has been declared Adoption Awareness Month in Illinois. The Department of Children and Family Services commemorates the placement of 19,347 children into loving homes over the past decade. Events including special Adoption Day ceremonies are scheduled throughout the state to finalize adoptions and celebrate the families involved.
“We have all heard the expression about giving our children ‘roots’ and ‘wings’ to grow into successful adults,” said Illinois DCFS Director Heidi E. Mueller. “This Adoption Awareness Month, Illinois DCFS wants to recognize the very special role adoptive parents play when they open their hearts and homes to children in need. We especially want to lift up and thank adoptive parents across Illinois who give children in need roots by ensuring connections to community, including racial, ethnic and cultural identities; and their wings by reminding them that they will always have a safe, supportive and loving family to come home to, no matter what.”