Kewanee City Council Meeting Agenda for May 28, 2024


The Kewanee City Council meeting is on Tuesday because Monday is Memorial Day.  Join city officials and staff at the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Kewanee American Legion at 10 AM on Monday. The Kewanee City Council will meet on Tuesday, May 28th, at 7 PM. The meeting will be carried out live on our WKEI Facebook page. You can find the background information on the agenda items in the Kewanee City Council Packet, linked here.

1. Roll Call
2. Closed Session to discuss Personnel Section 2(c)(1) and Discussion of Closed Session Minutes section 2(c)(21)
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Approval of Closed Session Minutes from May 13th
c. Payroll
d. Staff Reports
e. Bock Report
5. Payment of the bills
6. Public Comments
7. New Business
a) Bill 24-45 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a TIF redevelopment agreement by and between the City of Kewanee and The Players Edge.
b) Bill 24-46 Ordinance granting a special use permit to James Hunt DBA PhatBoys BBQ for property located at 300 W Third St.
c) Bill 24-47 Ordinance granting a special use permit to Juan Contreras Jr for property located at 1100 Lake St.
d) Bill 24-48 Ordinance granting a special use permit to HVN Capital, LLC for property located at the Southeast corner of Railroad Ave and Cole St PIN 20-27-427-007.
e) Bill 24-49 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the City of Kewanee and Wethersfield Community School District #230.
f) Bill 24-50 Resolution awarding the Lyle Street/Elm Street Reconstruction Project to Advanced Asphalt Company.
g) Bill 24-51 Resolution to affirm the Mayor’s Recommendations for appointments to various commissions and boards.
h) Bill 24-52 Resolution to declare certain vehicles and equipment excess and no longer required in the operations of the City of Kewanee and directing the City Manager to dispose of the same.
8. Council Communications
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment

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