Fall Classes at IVCC for A Career in the Education Field


Illinois Valley Community College is offering classes for those considering a career in the educational field this fall. IVCC offers the required basic general education classes for the field of education. A student can expedite their way to a state or in-state private university be earning an Illinois Articulation Initiative/Core General Education Curriculum package, about 37-41 credits depending on the courses they select, an Associates Degree in Arts or Science – 60 credits designed to transfer on to a university to earn a bachelor’s degree in education or an Applied Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education as well as ladder or stacked credential opportunities for certification.

“Education has a vast number of career opportunities that are easily overlooked. As the needs of learners become more diverse it is important for the educational system to remain in step and for incoming students to acquire the skills for the creation of optimal student learning. IVCC is a great place to consider the array of educational opportunities and to spring board a career in education. Traditional careers remain viable in early childhood, elementary, secondary and special education, but there are other opportunities that many incoming students may not even be aware of. Schools are staffed with a variety of positions like guidance counselors, social workers, technology experts, administrative assistants, administrators, maintenance, janitorial, curriculum designers, school psychologists, psychometrists, education and resource development, text book writers, sales, adult education and my personal favorite student services personnel,” said Vice-President of IVCC Student Services Mark Grzybowski.

“Through the years incoming students come into my office and tell me they are thinking they might want to be a teacher, but really aren’t sure if that’s the career for them. Students are drawn to teaching as a natural evolution given the amount of time they have already spent in a classroom. Their expressed interest is an opportune opening to begin the journey of career exploration inviting me to open up avenues they maybe hadn’t been considering or even exposed to in the field of education. Questions begin along the lines of what’s attractive to you about education? Is it the subject area, the creativity and we continue along those lines until something sparks their interest,” said IVCC Counselor Valery Calvetti.

IVCC has online, in-person on both the main campus and Ottawa Campus and a limited number of classes that blend online and in-person learning. Classes begin on Aug. 16 and fall registration is underway at 815-224-0447 or www.ivcc.edu/register.

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