IVCC Awarded Outstanding Achievement in Annual Financial Reporting


The Government Finance Officers Association recently awarded Illinois Valley Community College its Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021.  GFOA said the award “represents a significant achievement by IVCC.”  To qualify, a government entity must also submit its annual comprehensive financial report to GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program and receive the certificate for the current fiscal year.  Judges score reports on reader appeal, understandability, distribution methods, creativity and other elements.

IVCC received the award for its FY21 PAFR available at https://www.ivcc.edu/businessservices/financial-pafr/FY2021-PAFR-final.pdf. The FY22 report can be accessed at https://www.ivcc.edu/businessservices/financial-pafr/FY2022_PAFR-final.pdf.

The award-winning 20-page document was crafted by Business Office Administrative Assistant Nikki VanNielen, Controller Kathy Ross and Vice President for Business Services and Finance Matt Seaton.

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