The Adult Education program at Illinois Valley Community College will resume the free General Education Development test preparation and English as a Second Language classes this Fall. IVCC administers the GED® as an option to fulfill the Illinois State High School Diploma. The GED covers four academic areas: language arts including writing and reading, math, science and social studies.
All students interested in GED or ESL are required to attend a registration session prior to the start of the classes. Registration will be open the month of August in addition to office hours on Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9 to 11 AM and 1 to 3 PM. Todos los estudiantes deben completar el registro antes de asistir a las clases del semestre de otoño.
New and returning GED students are asked to contact Cindy Lock at 815.224.0358 for further information and registration. ESL students may contact Sara Escatel, para ayuda en español, al 815.224.0355
For further information The Adult Education office is located in the IVCC Peter Miller Community Technology Center (CTC Room 220), 815 North Orlando Smith Rd., Oglesby.