IVCC Spring Open House for the Agriculture Department


Illinois Valley Community College’s Agriculture Department will host A Spring Open House at 9 AM on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, in the Ralph Scriba Conference Center, Room CTC124-125. High school students, parents, instructors and administrators are invited to attend and Check-in is at 8:45 AM. “The event will show students how we can help them accomplish their goals and dreams – at an affordable price,” said agriculture program co-coordinator Willard Mott.

Students will learn about IVCC’s growing program and interact with current Ag students and instructors. In addition, enrollment and scholarship information will be presented and tours offered. Online preregistration is required by Monday, April 24th at www.ivcc.edu/agriculture.

For information, contact Mott at 815-224-0413 or [email protected] or program co-coordinator Dr. Jennifer Timmers at 815-224-0495 or [email protected].

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