On Monday, State Representative Bradley Fritts (R-Dixon), passed Senate Bill 1127. Following the passage, he released the following statement: “The state of Illinois and the city of Rochelle have invested millions of dollars of infrastructure into this area to bring new business to the state,” said Rep. Fritts. “This bill protects that investment by ensuring that it is exempt from the new wind and solar law passed at the end of the 102nd General Assembly.”
SB1127 passed the House with a unanimous vote of 101-0. The bill protects the land within a 4-mile radius of the intersection of Interstates 39 and 88 from being developed into wind or solar energy sites.
“Special thanks to Jason Anderson and Mayor John Bearrows from the city of Rochelle, Tom Demmer from Lee County Industrial Development Association, and Senator Win Stoller for the group effort of pushing through this much-needed legislation.”
Following the passage, former State Representative Tom Demmer commented, “Thanks to many years and millions of dollars of investment from federal, state, and local government, the Dual Rail Megasite in northeast Lee County is a prime spot for industrial development and job creation. This bill helps ensure we can make the most of those infrastructure investments, and attract projects that will add jobs to our local economy.”
For more information about Representative Fritts, visit RepFritts.com.