Illinois House Republican Caucus Emerging Women Leaders Event


Representative Ryan Spain welcomed Jill Frueh, the Executive Director of the Bureau County Farm Bureau in Springfield this week as a part of the House Republican Caucus Emerging Women Leaders Event. This event honored and celebrated female leaders from throughout the state.

“I was proud to nominate Jill to be recognized for her leadership and service in Bureau County,” said Rep. Spain. “I would like to thank Jill for her contributions to her community and for making the trip to share her insights to make Illinois a better place for all.”

The Illinois House Republican Caucus welcomed leaders from all across the state to the capital city for a full day. The honorees attended a brunch and heard from Supreme Court Justice Lisa Holder White. After the brunch, Leader McCombie and Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton, held a listening session with the honorees followed by a tour of the capitol. Leader McCombie also honored the women on the House Floor.

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