Full Size Trucks Most Stolen Vehicle in America But Not in Kewanee


Full Size Trucks have become THE target of car thieves around the country according to a new study released Friday, July 28th, by the National Insurance Crime Bureau.

Chevrolet and Ford Full Size Pick-Ups taking number 1 and 2 in terms of the highest theft rate in America for 2022. The report for 2022 indicates that Full Size Pick-Ups made up more than 25% of vehicle thefts in the country in 2022. That said, those numbers are not reflected by numbers in Kewanee. According to Kewanee Police Deputy Chief Stephen Kijanowski, car thefts are a relatively rare occurrence in Kewanee outside of disputes over ownership or late payment repossessions. According to the Deputy Chief, the crime that more people need to be concerned with is the theft of items inside of a vehicle.

“We did have 2 actual stolen vehicles where the suspect was not known to the vehicle owner. In both incidents, the vehicle was unlocked and the keys were in the vehicle. The best thing people can do is lock their vehicles and not leave their keys in the vehicle. There are obviously methods to steal a vehicle without the keys, but we have not seen that occur in Kewanee that I could find or I am aware of happening. The police department handles more theft from motor vehicles where people leave valuables in an unlocked vehicle. Again, the best way to avoid items being stolen from your vehicle is to not leave valuables in an unlocked vehicle. We rarely see a vehicle being forced open, but it does occur especially when the valuable item is in plain view from outside of the vehicle. If you are going to leave a vehicle unlocked then make sure not to have any valuables, keys, or information you do not want stolen in the vehicle.” Deputy Chief Stephen Kijanowski.

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