Henry County Illinois Results
52 Precients, 19,727 Votes cast
34,432 Registered Voters 57.29% Voter turnout
United States Senator
Kathy Salvi (R) 11,784
Tammy Duckworth (D) 7,357
Bill Redpath (L) 386
Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Darren Bailey and Stephanie Trussell (R) 12,107
JB Pritzker and Juliana Stratton (D) 6,879
Scott Schluter and John Phillips (L) 615
Attorney General
Thomas G DeVore (R) 12,496
Kwame Raoul (D) 6,292
Daniel K Robin (L) 554
Secretary of State
Dan Brady (R) 12,591
Alexi Giannoulias (D) 6,410
Jon Stewart (L) 490
Shannon L Teresi (R) 11,777
Susana A Mendoza (D) 7,230
Deirdre McCloskey (L) 408
Tom Demmer (R) 12,039
Michael W Frerichs (D) 6,872
Preston Nelson (L) 501
16th Congress District
Darin LaHood (R) 8,719
Elizabeth “Lisa” Haderlein (D) 3,588
17th Congress District
Ester Joy King (R) 3,972
Eric Sorensen (D) 3,126
36th Senate District
Mike Thoms (R) 2,764
Michael W Halpin (D) 1,938
37th Senate District
Win Stoller (R) 4,376
47th Senate District
Neil Anderson (R) 7,934
71st Representative District
Dan Swanson (R) 3,272
Christopher DeMink (D) 1,400
73rd Representative District
Ryan Spain (R) 4,293
93rd Representative District
Travis Weaver (R) 7,843
County Clerk/Recorder
Barb Link (D) 15,505
County Treasurer
Kelly Vincent (R) 16,309
County Sheriff
Joshua C Verscheure (R) 16,485
County Board District 1 (Vote no more than 10)
Tim Yager (R) 6,830
Tim Wells (R) 6,706
Kippy Breeden (R) 6,491
Kathy Nelson (R) 6,663
Bob Wachtel (R) 6,527
Jill Darin (R) 6,537
Mark Burton (R) 6,138
Rex E Kiser (R) 6,116
Joseph Garrity (R) 5,921
James E Thompson (R) 5,811
Jim Dooley (D) 3,368
Terry McDowell (D) 3,130
Bill Preston (D) 3,305
Guy E Gibson (D) 3,217
Jo Anne Hillman (D) 3,722
Betty Murphy (D) 3,406
Stephen Mizen (D) 3,006
Paula Simosky (D) 3,745
County Board District 2 (Vote no more than 10)
David J Dobbels (R) 4,921
Jeanna P Moore (R) 4,554
Lynn Sutton (R) 4,476
Marshall Jones (R) 4,650
Dale “Sarge” Stiles (R) 4,283
Brian J Corkill (R) 4,148
Natalie Collins (R) 4,109
Daniel R Crippen (R) 3,851
Patrick Koga (R) 3,656
Jan May (D) 4,163
Regional Superintendent of Schools (Bureau, Henry and Stark Counties)
Angela Zarvell (R) 15,932
Regional Superintendent of Schools (Henderson, Knox, Mercer and Warren Counties)
Jodi Scott (R) 13
Regional Superintendent of Schools (Lee, Ogle and Whiteside Counties)
Christopher J Tennyson (R) 28
Fourteenth Judicial Circuit Court (Fill Vacancy of Honorable Mark A Vandewiele)
Norma Kauzlarich (D) 13,665
Fourteenth Judicial Circuit Court (Fill Vacancy of Honorable Jeffrey W O’Connor)
Colby G Hathaway (R) 16,222
Yes or No to Retain Judges in the Fourteenth Judicial Circuit Court
James G Conway Jr – Yes
Clarence “Mike” Darrow – Yes
Frank Fuhr – Yes
Kathleen Mesich – Yes
Constitutional Amendment Proposal
No – 9,139. Yes – 7,056
The proposed amendment would add a new section to the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution that would guarantee workers the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively and to negotiate wages, hours, and working conditions, and to promote their economic welfare and safety at work. The new amendment would also prohibit from being passed any new law that interferes with, negates, or diminishes the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively over their wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment and workplace safety. At the general election to be held on November 8, 2022, you will be called upon to decide whether the proposed amendment should become part of the Illinois Constitution.