Judge Approves up to $2K for Expert Witness for Man Charged in Death of Knox County Deputy


A two-week Trial has been scheduled for Daylon Richardson but may be continued to next year if Motions are filed by either side.  Judge Norma Kauzlarich authorized up to $2,000 for an expert witness for the Granite City man charged with the First Degree Murder of Knox County Deputy, Deputy Nick Weist.  Defense Attorney, Bruce Carmen, said the expert he contacted online required $2,500 to retain their services and then an hourly charge applies after that.  Mr. Carmen said he appreciates Judge Kauzlarich’s ruling but “it may not be enough for my client”.  Mr. Carmen said he isn’t criticizing the court, just giving the reality.  Mr. Carmen said he intends to continue looking for an expert witness and may file a motion for the court to reconsider the cost cap for an expert witness.  A Jury Trial is scheduled for October 23, 2023, to November 3, 2023, in order to block out time for Judge Kauzlarich, State’s Attorney Runty and Mr. Bruce Carmen, but may be rescheduled if motions are filed.  A Status Hearing is scheduled for August 28, 2023, at 3 PM.

State’s Attorney Runty said they normally send out 70 jury notices and 50-55 show up.  Mr. Carmen said he wants as many people as possible because of press coverage of the case.  Judge Kauzlarich instructed the State to send out 150 Jury notices for the trial.  Jury selection will take place in the old large Courtroom, to accommodate 150 people, but the Trial may take place downstairs because it is hard to hear in the large courtroom.

Daylon Richardson has been in custody of the Henry County Jail since he was charged with the death of Deputy Weist on April 29, 2022.  Richardson was allegedly fleeing from Galesburg Police when his vehicle crashed and struck Deputy Weist as Deputy Nick Weist was placing stop sticks on Highway 150 South of Alpha.  Richardson is charged with two (2) counts of Murder (Class M Felony), Possessions of a firearm by a felon (Class 2 Felony) and Aggravated Fleeing to Elude (Class 4 Felony).

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