Frank H. Craig touched a lot of lives when he was at Wethersfield. Having been there from the earliest days of the start of the school, Mr. Craig fostered generations of Wethersfield students even after his retirement and through his passing in 1945. Part of Mr. Craig’s legacy are what have come to be called the Craig Alumni, a class reunion that was first centered upon those who had graduated under the guidance of Mr. Craig. After a time, the Craig Alumni became a very special reunion aimed at people who had reached 50 years since their graduation from Wethersfield. Each year, aside from the COVID years, the Craig Alumni would gather to welcome another batch of 50 year grads of Wethersfield and in 2023 the Wethersfield Class of 1973 will be the latest to join their ranks. On this edition of Kewanee Back When our friend Dave Clarke remembers Frank H. Craig and the people who carried on his legacy of education and generosity.