The Kewanee City Council will meet tonight at 7 PM in Council Chambers at Kewanee City Hall. The meeting will be broadcast live on our WKEI Facebook Page. You can find the background information on tonight’s agenda items in the Council Packet, linked here.
Posted by 7:00 p.m. July 21st, 2023
1. Closed Session to discuss Personnel Section 2(c)(1), Litigation Section 2(c)(11), and Discussion of
Closed Meeting Minutes Section 2(c)(21)
2. Roll Call
3. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Payroll
c. Staff Reports
d. Street Closures-Hog Capital Barbecue, Inc. (Hog Days)
e. Cernovich Fireworks Permit
f. Bock,Inc.
4. Presentation of Bills and Claims
5. Public Participation
6. Swearing in of new personnel
7. Promotions
8. New Business
a) Street Closure Request – Commission on Human Relations
b) Bill 23-26 Resolution to affirm the Mayor’s recommendation for appointments to various
commissions and boards.
c) Bill 23-27 Ordinance authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for participation in
the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System.
d) Bill 23-28 Resolution authorizing the execution of a purchase agreement and other
documents that are necessary and proper in the procurement of Starcom Radios and
Communication Systems to be used by the City of Kewanee Fire Department.
e) Bill 23-29 Ordinance directing the sale of excess real estate.
9. Council Communications
10. Announcements
11. Adjournment