1. Work Session: Cemetery Building
2. Roll Call
3. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Payroll
c. Staff Reports
d. First Christian Church Street Closure
4. Presentation of Bills and Claims
5. Swearing in of new personnel (if applicable)
6. Public Participation
7. New Business
a) Introduction of new K-9
b) Ordinance #4128 amending Schedule II of Section §78.0, parking in the Downtown
c) Resolution #5390 awarding the construction of the Kewanee Cemetery Facility Project
to Valley Construction Co. as the lowest responsible bidder.
d) Resolution #5391 amending guidelines for the use of Incentives for Community and
Economic Development.
e) Discussion Only: Planning Commission and Zoning Board fees
8. Council Communications:
9. Announcements:
10. Adjournment: