The Kewanee City Council Met on Tuesday, December 17th, and we spoke with Mayor Gary Moore for a review from the meeting. Here is a link to the council packet. The City Council did not approve a Tax Levy Increase for Kewanee Citizens. Property taxes will actually decrease for property owners. City Personnel are working on compiling a list of warming stations in the city and will post on the city’s webpage.
a) Approved – Consideration of Resolution #5380 authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with ENTEC services for the project development and implementation of the Kewanee City Hall mechanical systems upgrade. The HVAC System at Kewanee City Hall is the original system installed when the building was built, making the HVAC system 20 years old and at the end of it’s life cycle. ENTEC will highlight problem areas and provide a report of what is most important to least important to fix.
b) Approved – Consideration of Resolution #5381 authorizing the purchase of three trench protective systems, trench boxes, to be used in the public works department from Ferguson Waterworks. The city does not have trench boxes at this time so they are needed. OSHA Regulations require lookout people based on the area in trench and the number of people in the trench.
c) Approved – Consideration of Resolution #5382 authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Michlig Energy for furnishing vehicle & equipment fuel to the City of Kewanee.
d) Not Approved – Consideration of Ordinance #4120 establishing the Annual Tax Levy for 2022 payable in 2023.