The Kewanee Firefighters Local 513 have announced the date for their annual Golf Playday. The annual fundraiser for Kewanee Firefighters will take place on June 24th, 2023 at Midland Golf Course, starting at 8 AM. The cost to play is $60 dollars per player, $35.00 if you are already a member of Midland Golf Course. The Firefighters Local 513 are also seeking hole sponsors. Local businesses that would like to help out the Kewanee Fire Department Local 513, can sponsor a hole at a cost of $50.00 for a hole sponsorship. Those participating can also enter a raffle drawing, a 50/50 drawing and or take part in Axe Putting. Contact the Fire Department at 309-852-2115 or Andrew Welgat at 309-883-0363.