Kewanee Park District ‘Trees Forever Grant’ Plants 40 Trees with Help from Volunteers and KHS FFA


The Kewanee Park District planted 33 trees on Saturday, May 20, 2023, with help from many volunteers and Kewanee High School Future Farmers of America (FFA) students.  Hannah Safiran reached out to Kewanee Parks Director, Andy Dwyer, last summer regarding grants to replace the trees lost in the 2020 Derecho and, most recently, the Tornado in March of 2023.  Hannah also reached out to FFA Teacher, Lexi Ruemker, to see if FFA students would be interested in caring for the trees once they are planted.  Andy Dwyer said the Park District has acquired 40 tree saplings so far with plans to acquire more in the future.  Director Andy Dwyer said “I love trees.  It just kinda makes my day when we can put new and different species in here for people to learn”.  Director Dwyer continues “Most of these trees that are going in today are native to Illinois.”  Kewanee FFA students are responsible for watering, staking and learning how to care for the trees as they grow.  Hannah Safiran said “Thank you to all the volunteers and thank you to Mr. Dwyer helping make this possible”.  Lexi Ruemker said “It’s especially a great opportunity to see a different side of agriculture that our students don’t always get to see”.  The following people attended the tree planting: Brooklyn Schiltz, Daniel Boswell, Richard Millman, Kirsten Yordy, Whitney Minton, Hannah Ince, Ali Martinez, Gabby Hampton, Steve Brackett, Grant Gerrond, Patty Gerrond, Ruth Kapasinskas, Barb Safiran, Joseph Birrittier, Hannah Safiran, Lexi Ruemker, Andy Dwyer


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