Teachers from Kewanee School District picketed outs of the Kewanee School District Administration offices on Wednesday. According to information provided by the picketing teachers, the picketing is intended to inform the public about teacher pay. Photos posted to the Kewanee Education Administration Facebook page showed teachers carrying signs:

The Kewanee School Board is set to hold a meeting regarding teachers and pay on Monday, August 7th. Most of the meeting is set to be in closed session. Nearly all discussion of salary or any kind of pay for District employees are done in closed session as a rule of the Kewanee School District. There will however, prior to the closed session, and per the rules of open meetings, be a Public Comments portion of the meeting prior to the closed session. The meeting will be held at the Petersen Auditorium at Kewanee High School and get underway at 6 PM.