If you’d like your organization to be included in the Kewanee Hog Days Parade you need to register soon. The registration deadline for the Kewanee Hog Days Parade is Monday, August 21st, 2023. Registration can be done online via the Kewanee Chamber of Commerce website, linked here. Or you can register in the office of the Kewanee Chamber of Commerce located at 113 East 2nd Street in Kewanee. Things to remember regarding your Parade entry…
1. Please do not throw candy or other materials from moving vehicles, items must be handed out.
2. No stopping along the parade route. Nobody likes gaps in the parade.
3. Political entries will be limited to 1 party vehicle and 1 vehicle per candidate and will be placed together.
4. All entries must follow the general theme of the parade; please decorate all entries in some way to promote the theme. Fleet vehicles only will not be allowed
5. Parade officials have the authority to remove entries from the parade line up at any time for behavior unbecoming of a parade entry or for not following parade rules.
The theme for this year’s Kewanee Hog Days Parade is “The Feeling Never Gets Old.” The Marine Air Force Reserve Band is set to be part of this year’s Parade making this one of the most anticipated Hog Days Parade in years. Make sure you have your Parade entry on theme and ready to roll on September 2nd at 2 PM.