Tyler Westefer Won’t be Allowed to Leave Jail for the Birth of His Baby


Tyler Westefer won’t be allowed to leave jail for the birth of his baby this week.  Defense Attorney, Matthew Paulson, filed a Motion for Furlough to allow Mr. Westefer to leave the Henry County Jail with his Grandfather to meet his newborn baby this week.  Tyler Westefer remains in custody of the Henry County Jail on $75, 000 (10%), $250,000 (10%) and $1,000,000 (10%) consecutive bonds.  Ms. Engholm is 37 weeks pregnant with Tyler Westefer’s baby and will be induced on March 1, 2023.  Ms. Engholm told the court that she wants Tyler present at their baby’s birth because she wants Tyler in their baby’s life.  She said they are still in a relationship and she has no concerns with Tyler being around their child. Attorney Paulson’s second witness was Jerry Westefer, Tyler’s grandfather.  Jerry Westefer testified that he would transport Tyler to the hospital and back to the Henry County Jail.  Mr. Westefer said he would keep Tyler in his sight and make sure he doesn’t leave the hospital.  Mr. Westefer said he trusts he can keep Tyler at the hospital and bring him back to the Henry County Jail.  Attorney Paulson said they are asking for some time on Friday afternoon around 2 PM to allow Mr. Westefer to see his child on the day he is born.  Attorney Paulson said they know the charges are serious.  Jerry Westefer is willing to take custody of Tyler for a short time so Tyler can see his new baby.  Attorney Paulson said Jerry Westefer is former Law Enforcement.  “We are asking for him to see his child for the first time”.

Assistant State’s Attorney Reynolds said the State is not in agreement with the request.  ASA Reynolds said there are at least three victims of Mr. Westefer, one is a minor.  ASA Reynolds argued that there are serious weapon related charges against Tyler Westefer.  The State’s position is that Tyler Westefer not be allowed any furlough to leave the custody of the Henry County Sheriff’s Office.

Judge Colby Hathaway said there is consideration of risk to the public to think about.  Judge Hathaway said “I understand Mr. Westefer’s desire to be present at his child’s birth”.  “I don’t think any conditions could ensure the public’s safety if Mr. Westefer were released”.  Judge Hathaway denied the request for furlough and set the Jury Pre-Trial for March 23, 2023, at 11 AM

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