Wake Up Tri-Counties Lauren Winebrenner from the IRS Helping You Avoid Scam Artists


The I.R.S is more than just the people who handle your tax issues, they also work diligently to keep you safe from scam artists. They do this by staying on top of what scams are out there and warning you not to get caught up in them. Lauren Winebrenner from the I.R.S spoke to Wake Up Tri-Counties about the latest scams that criminals are using to try and take your money or your identity and how you can avoid them. We also talked to Lauren about special tax rebates specifically for educators who are going above and beyond in the classrooms. Teachers who are buying supplies for students are eligible for a $300.00 tax rebate and Lauren explains how to make sure teachers can take advantage of this tax incentive. Finally, don’t forget, for those who filed for an extension on filing their taxes in 2023, the next tax deadline is October 15th, 2023.

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