Wethersfield School Board Meeting Agenda for Thursday March 9th, 2023


Thursday, March 9th, 2023
a. Consent Agenda
i. Approve Minutes of February 9th, 2023 Regular and Executive Session, Approve Financial Reports, Bills, Insurance Reports, and Activity Fund
b. Correspondence
c. Comments From Visitors
i. Henry-Stark Special Education Cooperative Greg Wertheim
d. Board Member Reports
e. Reports
i. Superintendent
1. Building Updates
a. Kitchen Bathroom
b. Boiler Room Roof
c. Cafe/Gym HVAC
2. Other Items
a. Insurance Bidding
b. CTE Pathways
c. 5essentials Survey
ii. Mr. Elliott, Elementary Principal
iii. Mr. Nichols, High School Principal
a. Approve the services of Gorenz as auditor for FY2023 audit
b. Approve the following requests for trips, use of facilities, and events
i. Honor Breakfast- May 4th, 2023 for 9-12th students cap of 6 guests
ii. Prom Premiere- May 6th, 2023 approval for use of HS Gym
iii. Prom- Approval for Junior Class to hold Junior/Senior Prom at The
Stables on May 6th, 2023
iv. Senior Class Trip- Approval for Senior Class Trip to a Chicago Cubs
Game on April 21st
v. High School Graduation- HS Gym on Sunday May 21st @ 2pm
vi. Project Graduation- Approval or use of facilities for this activity
vii. 8th Grade Promotion Supper on May 23rd @ 5:30PM cap of 6 guests
c. Approve the Quad City Career and Technical Education Consortium and the United Township Area Career Center Joint Agreement Resolutions
d. Approval of Morland Environmental Services for onsite asbestos monitoring e. Approve creating an FFAAlumni Activity Account line
f. Approve the low bid for the Health Life Safety HVAC project
g. Approve the low bid for the asbestos abatement for the Health Life Safety HVAC project
IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Employment/Personnel)
a. Approve Aaron Holtscholt as Head of Maintenance
b. Accept the following resignations
1. Kathy Johnson as Family Consumer Science Teacher
2. Ali Dennison as Junior High Cheerleading Coach
3. Stephanie Hagaman as Scholastic Bowl Coach
4. Jay Hagaman as Scholastic Bowl Assistant Coach
c. Approve the Superintendent Evaluation for 2022-2023
d. Approval to re-employ the following Kyria Eastman, Katelyn Gripp, Tony Gripp, Cortni Rumbold, and Sydney Titlow and place on tenure at the start of 2023-2024 e. Approval to re-employ Amanda DeValkenaere, Pat Keane, Dave Pratt, Julie Swedman, and Cameron Yeater as third year, non-tenured teachers for 2023-2024 f. Approval to re-employ Adriana Garcia, Lori Vancil, and Tom McGunnigal as second year, non-tenured teachers for 2023-2024
g. Approval of Kimberly Hampton as first year, non-tenured teacher for 2023-2024
a. Spring Break March 25th – April 2nd
b. No School April 7th
c. 5th/6th Band/Choir Concert April 12th
d. Board Meeting April 13th

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