The Wethersfield School District will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, July 18th, at 5 PM in the 2nd Grade Classroom. The meeting agenda is below…
a. Comments From Visitors
b. Approval of commitment to participate in the Renew America Schools Grant Consortium
i. Wethersfield has been a member of an Energy Coalition of Illinois School Districts seeking grants and funding for solar and renewed energy
opportunities. The Coalition has been awarded over $15 million in grant
funding through the Renew America’s Schools Grant and the Department of Energy. Of that, Wethersfield anticipates having been approved for
approximately $700,000 for the project with roughly $665,000 in direct
funding with a district contribution of around $35,000 and no upfront
c. Approve the following resignations and postings:
i. Alex Meier- Social Studies Teacher
ii. Lisa Nimrick- 2nd Grade Teacher
d. Approve the hiring of Steven Stoner as Social Studies Teacher ad Scholastic Bowl Coach for 2023-2024
e. Approve an E-Learning Waiver Hearing for August 10th @ 4:30PM
III. EXECUTIVE SESSION (the purpose of self-evaluation, practices and procedures or professional ethics stated in the Open Meetings Act – 5 ILSC 120/2(c)(16).