Wake Up Tri-Counties Flu, COVID, and Winter Home Safety Tips from the Henry and Stark Health Dept.


By now you know the best ways to protect yourself against COVID and the Flu, get vaccinated, wash your hands regularly, and if you feel as if you may be ill, stay home or wear a mask if you must be in public spaces. RaeAnn Tucker from the Henry and Stark County Health Department dropped by Wake Up Tri-Counties to talk about an increase in the number of cases of the Flu and COVID during this winter season. RaeAnn also talked about home safety during the winter. Tips to keep your family safe and warm in the holidays include making sure all of your Christmas lights are in working order, making sure your displays are safe for and from your pets, and making sure you are properly and safely using items like space heaters, a known potential fire hazard if they are not used correctly and safely.

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