WIU EMS to Host Mock DUI April 24


MACOMB, IL – Western Illinois University’s Emergency Medical Services (WEMS) will host the 33rd annual Mock DUI accident scenario at 10 a.m. Monday, April 24 in Q-lot, in front of the Student Recreation Center.

The goal of this event is to bring awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving in hopes of benefiting area schools, the University population, Macomb residents and those in surrounding areas.

“Western EMS partners with several agencies every year for our Mock DUI scenario. This event does an amazing job of providing an eye-opening visual representation of how one person’s choice to drink and drive affects everyone on the road,” said WIU Special Projects Officer Sidni Ringberg. “The Mock DUI is open to the general public, and we encourage everyone to come to experience this beneficial scenario.”

Students from area high schools will be in attendance to watch the live accident scenario. WIU faculty, staff and students, as well as community members are invited to attend.

For more information, contact Western’s EMS office at (309) 298-2863 or OPS at (309) 298-1949.

Copy Provided By University Communications

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