Illinois quick hits: 77,000 missing computers; Tuscola’s outlet mall dwindling


77,000 missing computers

Tens of thousands of computers are missing from the Chicago Public School system following the return from remote learning.

That’s according to an audit by the CPS Office of Inspector General. More than 77,000 electronic devices assigned to students and staff during the pandemic are listed as missing at a cost of about $23 million.

The audit found that 100% of the computers were missing from at least three dozen schools, and in one case, a student lost five devices.

Tuscola’s outlet mall dwindling

The once bustling outlet shopping mall in Tuscola is turning into a ghost town. Two more stores have announced that they are closing, leaving just eight operating businesses at the location.

A manager at the mall said the Old Navy and American Eagle stores will close Jan. 21. The mall, once a destination spot for shopping, used to be home to 155 stores.

Fishing clinic instructors sought

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is accepting applications for instructors for 2024 summer fishing clinics through the department’s Urban Fishing Program.

Fishing instructors will take part in free clinics hosted in communities throughout Illinois. IDNR officials said the positions are temporary and don’t exceed six months, making them perfect for teachers, retirees, students and others who are eager to help people learn about fishing skills and ecology.

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