Galva Police Arrest and Citation Report 02-21-2023


February 20, 2023
February 13, 2023 through February 19, 2023

February 13
While patrolling, officer noticed that all of the Galva railroad crossings were blocked by a stopped freight train. BNSF was contacted and the train eventually moved along.
Officer was dispatched to the 400 block of South Center Ave for a complaint involving children playing in the roadway. Officer spoke to a parent and advised them of the complaint and dangers of playing in the road.
Officer checked on some subjects in the parking lot of a business in the 00 block of SW 2nd Street hours.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 1000 block of North Center Ave, Clayton Coyne, 28, Kewanee, was arrested for speeding 26mph to 35mph above speed limit. He was released with required court date.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 1300 block of SE 2nd Street, Rebecca Muckey, 34, Galva, was arrested for driving while license suspended, operating an uninsured vehicle, failure to transfer registration upon new ownership, and having expired registration. She was released with a required court date.
February 14
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SW 6th Ave for a trash complaint.
Officer was dispatched to meet with a locksmith from Galesburg in the 00 block of SW 4th Street. He had been called to Galva to unlock a vehicle that he wasn’t able to locate. It was determined to be a scam.
Officer was dispatched to the 500 block of SE 2nd Street to attempt to locate a stolen vehicle that was plotting there through On-star. Officer was not able to locate.
February 15
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of NE 4th Street to attempt to locate a “missing adult” from Missouri. Officer was not able to locate her.
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of Morgan Road to meet with school officials in reference to a child abuse report. DCFS was contacted.
Officer met with a subject at the Galva PD to discuss a child custody dispute.
Officer was dispatched to assist a motorist that was locked out of their vehicle in the downtown area. Tarletons were contacted to assist the subject.
Officer was dispatched to Route 34 just east of town to check for a disabled, but occupied vehicle along the roadway. Officer was not able to locate the vehicle.
Officer was flagged down to assist a citizen in the 00 block of SW 2nd Street.
February 16
Officer was flagged down near the park district in reference to a Pepsi truck disabled about a mile south of town. Officer drove out there but the truck was already gone.
Officer was dispatched to the 1000 block of SE 2nd Street for an activated panic alarm. It was determined to be a false alarm due to a power failure.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of NW 4th Street for a 9-1-1 mis dial complaint. It was determined to be a pocket dial.
February 17
Officer went to a residence in the 600 block of SW 2nd Ave in reference to a city ordinance violation for junk and garbage. There was no answer at the door, so officer left a violation notice on the front door.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of NE 4th Street to assist a citizen.
While patrolling, officer noticed a vehicle parked at the Lincoln House with the truck open late at night. Officer checked around and then shut the trunk.
February 18
Officer was dispatched to the 600 block of NW 7th Street in reference to a family dispute. One of the subjects involved agreed to leave.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 100 block of SE 8th Ave, Benjamin Verstraete, 42, Kewanee, was arrested for operating a vehicle with suspended registration, and for having expired registration. He was released with a required court date.
February 19
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of SE 6th Ave for a 9-1-1 hang up call. It was determined to be an accidental mis dial.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of NW 8th Ave for a loose dog complaint. The dogs returned home.

February 14
Jose Davila, 35, Kewanee, was issued a citation for failure to secure a child under the age of eight in the 200 block of SE 2nd Street.
February 17
Camron Rohrig, 23, Neponset, was issued a citation for having expired registration in the 800 block of North Center Ave.
February 19
Jevante Powe, 33, Kewanee, was issued a citation for having expired registration in the 700 block of NW 2nd Street.
Service Requests: 3 Traffic Warnings 29 Citations: 10 Complaints: 24
Accidents: Criminal Arrests: 3 Parking Citations: Ordinance Violations: 1
Administrative Warning Tickets:


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