February 26, 2024
February 19, 2024 through February 25, 2024
February 19
Officer was dispatched to a residence on NW 3rd Ave to assist the ambulance with a patient having an altered mental status. The subject was transported for treatment.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of SW 6th Street assist with a civil standby to retrieve property.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SW 3rd Street for a 9-1-1 open line call. The caller was warned of calling for a non-emergency.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 700 block of West Division Street, Linda Gaard, 53, Altona, was cited for operating a vehicle when registration was suspended for no insurance. She was released with a required court date.
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of NE 5th Street for a child custody dispute.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of SW 4th Street for a possible prowler complaint. Officer checked the area. This complaint was unfounded.
Officer was dispatched to the 500 block of SW 3rd Ave to remove an unwanted subject.
February 20
Officer was dispatched to the 700 block of NW 5th Ave for a loose dog complaint. The dog returned home before it was found by police.
February 21
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of NW 4th Street for a 9-1-1 hang up call. It was determined to be a mis dial.
Officer was informed about a controlled fire that would be taking place just west of town on Bonham Road.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SW 3rd Street for a 9-1-1 call reporting a fight in progress. Officer determined that the caller was having a mental health crisis.
Officer was dispatched to the elementary school playground area for a 9-1-1 hang up call. It was determined to be a young child playing with a phone.
Officer met a subject at the Galva PD to inspect a slow moving vehicle for a permit.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of Front Street to assist a business with banning a subject that caused issues there. The subject was served with a banning letter.
Officer was dispatched to city hall to retrieve a check that had been found in their yard and turned in. Officer took the check to it’s rightful owner and dropped it off.
Officer, along with the fire department, Stark Co Medic, Life flight helicopter, Henry Co Sheriff’s Office, Office of Emergency Management (OEM), were dispatched to the Galva Big River Resources Ethanol Plant for a subject that had received severe burns. The patient was airlifted to Iowa City for treatment.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SW 3rd Street for a subject having a mental health crisis.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of NE 5th Street for a 9-1-1- mis dial call. It was determined to be a subject installing a medical alert system.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of SW 2nd Street to remove an unwanted subject. After a brief altercation with the officer, Jeffrey McBride, 28, Wyoming, was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting or obstructing a police officer. He was released with a required court date.
February 22
While patrolling, officer noticed a train stopping and blocking every crossing in town. A few minutes later, it began moving again and the crossings were re-opened.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 200 block of SW 2nd Ave, Angelo D’Andrea, 86, Galva, was arrested for operating a vehicle with a cancelled driver’s license. He was released with a required court date.
Officer was dispatched to the 800 block of SE 2nd Street for two loose dogs. They were located and impounded.
February 23
Officer was dispatched to the Exchange Street railroad crossing for a crossing arm malfunction. BNSF was contacted for repairs.
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of SE 2nd Street for a loose dog complaint. The dog owner was able to catch the dog.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SE 3rd Street to recover a package that was delivered to wrong address. It was taken to the rightful owner.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 600 block of SE Industrial Ave, Kyle Leverette, 26, Lafayette, was issued a citation for no lights when required. A passenger, Kayla Snider, 34, Kewanee, got into a physical altercation with the officer when he attempted to arrest her on a Henry Co warrant for failing to appear on the charge of driving under the influence of drugs. She was taken into custody and charged with resisting or obstructing a police officer as well as the warrant. She was taken to the Henry Co Jail.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SE 3nrd Street for a child custody dispute.
February 24
While patrolling, officer noticed the crossing arms were activated at the Exchange Street railroad crossing with no trains present. BNSF was contacted for repairs.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of NE 1st Street for a 9-1-1 hang up call. It was determined to be a mis dial.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 500 block of NW 5th Ave, Rebecca Muckey, 35, Galva, became involved in a physical altercation with officer. After a lengthy struggle, she was arrested for resisting a police officer, possession of adult use cannabis in a motor vehicle, operating a vehicle when registration suspended for no insurance, and operating an uninsured vehicle. She was released with a required court date.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of Main Street for a two vehicle accident with damage only. A crash report was completed.
Officer was dispatched to the 700 block of NE 2nd Street to remove an unwanted subject. The offender was served with a banning letter, which prohibits them from returning.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SE 2nd Street for a loose and aggressive dog. As the result, Paige Davis, 27, Galva, was issued a notice to appear in court for violating the Illinois leash law.
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of NW 4th Ave for a utilities complaint involving lines down. It was determined to be a cable line. Mediacom was notified for repairs.
February 25
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of South Center Ave for a suspicious vehicle complaint. It was determined to be family members of a resident there.
Officer was dispatched to the 600 block of NW 1st Street for a verbal neighborhood dispute. The subjects agreed to stay separated.
February 19
Lacey Hughes, 31, Galesburg, was issued a citation for speeding in the 1100 block of SE 2nd Street.
February 23
Cody Jenkins, 32, Victoria, was issued a citation for having expired registration in the 100 block of SE 2nd Street.
Nichole Gillespie, 46, Galesburg, was issued citations for not having any registration and operating an uninsured vehicle in the 500 block of West Division Street.
Service Requests: 4 Traffic Warnings 15 Citations: 10 Complaints: 36
Accidents:1 Criminal Arrests: 5 Parking Citations: Ordinance Violations:
Administrative Warning Tickets: