Galva Police Arrest and Citation Report 03-20-2023


March 20, 2023
March 13, 2023 through March 19, 2023

March 13
Officer was dispatched to the 800 block of NW 1st Ave for a low speed vehicle inspection.
Officer met with a registered sex offender at the Galva PD to change his address. A completed form was sent to Henry County for LEADS entry.
Officer was dispatched to Wiley Park for a complaint of a loose dog. Officer was not able to locate it.
March 14
Officer spoke to a subject by telephone about a trespass notice that had been placed against him.
March 15
Officer was dispatched to the 600 block of SE Industrial Ave to remove an unwanted customer.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of SW 4th Street for a trespassing complaint. As the result, Donna Bergesch, 57, Galva, was arrested for criminal trespass to state supported property. She was transported to the Galva PD and later released with a required court date.
Officer was dispatched to the Exchange Street railroad tracks for a crossing arm malfunction. BNSF was also contacted for repairs.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of SW 2nd Street for a gas drive off that occurred earlier. Officer was not able to locate the suspect vehicle.
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of NW 3rd Ave to assist a pedestrian that was homeless and needing assistance. Arrangements were made for subject to go to the rescue mission in Galesburg. Officer transported her to Altona, where Knox Co met and gave her a ride the remainder of the way.
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of NW 4th Ave for a complaint involving juveniles playing football too close to the roadway. The juveniles were spoken to.
March 16
Officer was dispatched to the 700 block of NW 4th Street for a 9-1-1 hang up call. It was determined to be a mis dial.
March 17
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of SW 9th Ave to remove a very intoxicated subject that was being combative. The subject ultimately was transported by ambulance due to his intoxication.
Officer was dispatched to the 500 block of SW 3rd Street for a complaint involving an unlocked vehicle possibly being tampered with. Nothing was reported missing.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of SW 4th Street for a 9-1-1 open line call. It was determined to be a mis dial.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SW 6th Ave for a possible trespassing complaint / neighborhood dispute.
Officer met a subject at city hall that had questions about being arrested in Stark Co several months ago. Officer assisted her and referred her to Stark Co with any further questions.
Officer went to the 100 block of NE 4th Street for a city ordinance violation. After taking photos, officer cited two subjects for the violations. As the result, Jason Dailey, 38, Galva, and David Dailey, 63, Piedmont, MO, were each issued administrative warning tickets (AWT’s) for failure to maintain property / accumulation of junk. The tickets were placed in the mail.
Officer was dispatched to the 700 block of NW 4th Street for a 9-1-1 hang up call. It was determined to be a medical call. Stark Co Medic was paged.
Officer was dispatched to the 500 block of SE 2nd Street for a subject having a mental health crisis.
March 18
Officer was requested to assist Stark Co with a physical domestic dispute several miles east of Galva.
Officer was dispatched to the Exchange Street railroad tracks for a crossing arm malfunction. BNSF was also contacted for repairs.
Officer was dispatched to check a residence on NW 4th Street after a subject told hospital staff they may have set their house on fire before leaving earlier. The house appeared fine.
Officer was dispatched to the 500 block of NW 3rd Ave for a 9-1-1 hang up call. It was an accidental pocket dial.
Officer was dispatched to a residence on SE 2nd Street to remove an unwanted subject.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 200 block of SE 4th Ave, Kathleen Becket, 58, Galva, was arrested for operating a vehicle with suspended registration and operating an uninsured vehicle. She was released with a required court date.
March 19
Officer was dispatched to 300 block of NE 1st Street for several 9-1-1 hang up calls. It was determined to be a 6 year old kid playing mine craft on a parent’s phone.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of NE 6th Street for a complaint involving a subject beating a dog and screaming. Officer spoke to subject and verified the dog was fine.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of Front Street for a physical disturbance. Everyone involved had left prior to officer’s arrival. This remains under investigation.

March 16
Wyatt King, 19, Galva, was issued a citation for having expired registration in the 700 block of SW 4th Street.
March 17
Ian Dulla, 40, Galva, was issued a citation for having expired out-of-state plates in the 00 block of Morgan Road.
March 18
A 16 year old from Kewanee was issued a citation for speeding in the 1200 block of SE 2nd Street.
March 19
Hillary Rollins, 25, Knoxville, was issued a citation for having expired registration in the 1000 block of SW 2nd Street.

Service Requests: 2 Traffic Warnings 17 Citations: 6 Complaints: 28
Accidents: Criminal Arrests: 2 Parking Citations: Ordinance Violations: 1
Administrative Warning Tickets: 2

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