April 17, 2023
April 10, 2023 through April 16, 2023
April 10
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of Market Street for a 9-1-1 hang up call that plotted there. It was determined to be an accidental mis dial.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of NE 8th Ave for a 9-1-1 open line call. It was a pocket dial from a subject mowing the yard.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of NW 4th Ave for a complaint of bones found in the garden. They were determined to be animal bones.
Officer was dispatched to the Galva Park District for a 9-1-1 hang up call. Subject advised it was an accidental pocket dial.
Officer was dispatched to the NE 6th Ave railroad tracks for a crossing arm malfunction. BNSF was contacted for repairs.
April 11
Officer spoke to a resident in the 400 block of South Center Ave in reference to furniture and junk laying around the property. They agreed to clean it up.
Officer was dispatched to check for subjects standing near the old viaduct west of town on Hayes Road. Officer was not able to locate anyone there.
April 12
Officer was notified about a disorderly conduct / threats complaint that happened in a vehicle somewhere between Galva and Kewanee.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of SE 1st Ave to assist a citizen with locating her dog after it ran away. The dog returned home a few minutes later.
Officer was dispatched to a residence on NW 4th Street for a 9-1-1 open line call. It was determined to be a medical call.
April 13
Officer was dispatched to the 1300 block of SE 2nd Street for an activated burglar alarm. It was determined to be a false alarm.
Officer went to a residence on NW 8th Street for a property line dispute.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SW 3rd Street for a verbal disturbance.
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of Front Street for a complaint of subjects using profanities and trying to get into the police department door. Nobody was there when officer arrived.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SW 3rd Street for a complaint of a subject screaming.
Officer was dispatched to the 400 block of SE 7th Ave for a reckless driving complaint.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of NE 9th Street for a 2 vehicle accident with damage only. A crash report was completed.
April 14
As the result of a traffic stop in the 00 block of NE 5th Street, Jack Stogsdill, 61, Galva, was arrested for driving while license revoked and operating an uninsured vehicle. He was released with a required court date.
Officer was dispatched to the intersection of SE 2nd Street and South Center Ave for a vehicle vs traffic sign crash with damage only. The damaged post was returned to the Galva IDOT yard.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of SW 3rd Street for two 9-1-1 calls of a verbal disturbance. A female subject was removed from the property.
Officer was dispatched to Wiley Park for a complaint involving juveniles turning water on at the hydrants. Officer placed a padlock on the hydrants.
Officer was dispatched to assist a citizen with catching her dog that got loose in the 500 block of East Division Street.
April 15
Officer was dispatched to the 500 block of SE 4th Street for a 9-1-1 hang up call. Officer checked the area, but did not locate anyone needing assistance.
Officer was dispatched to a 9-1-1 hang up call in the 500 block of SW 6th Ave. It was determined to be an accidental pocket dial.
As the result of a traffic stop in the 200 block of NE 5th Street, Bryce Glisan, 32, Galva, was arrested for possession of methamphetamine. He was released with a required court date.
April 16
Officer was dispatched to the 500 block of SE 2nd Street for a reckless driving complaint.
Officer met a subject at the Galva PD to file a report involving threats and harassment.
Officer, along with the fire department, were dispatched to the Lincoln House for an activated fire alarm.
April 10
Kyiah Thomann, 18, Burlington, was issued a citation for operating an uninsured vehicle in the 1200 block of SE 2nd Street.
April 14
Lerin Mallery, 33, Galva, was issued an administrative warning ticket (AWT) for failure to maintain property in the 200 block of NE 6th Street.
Bryce Glisan, 32, Galva, was issued an administrative warning ticket (AWT) for failure to maintain property in the 200 block of NE 6th Street.
April 15
Seth Bealer, 18, Colona, was issued a citation for speeding in the 1200 block of SE 2nd Street.
April 16
Shaan Dev, 18, Neponset, was issued citations for speeding and operating an uninsured vehicle in the 1200 block of SE 2nd Street.
Heather Rose, 41, Galva, was issued a citation for having expired registration in the 800 block of SE 2nd Street.
Robert Baker, 81, Princeton, was issued a citation for speeding in the 900 block of SE 2nd Street.
Service Requests: 2 Traffic Warnings 17 Citations: 8 Complaints: 28
Accidents:2 Criminal Arrests: 2 Parking Citations: Ordinance Violations: 3
Administrative Warning Tickets: 2