April 24, 2023
April 17, 2023 through April 23, 2023
April 17
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of SE 6th Ave to assist a resident who had lost power to the house.
Officer was dispatched to the west end of town to watch for a reckless driver that was reportedly on Route 34. Officer did not locate suspect vehicle.
April 18
Officer found two large dogs running loose in the 00 block of NE 9th Street. The owner was contacted and got the dogs back inside.
Officer located a dog running loose in the 00 block of SW 9th Ave. It was returned to it’s owner in the 100 block of SW 10th Ave.
Officer was dispatched to a hit-and-run accident involving two vehicles at the Galva Park District at the conclusion of a baseball game.
Officer was dispatched to the 1200 block of NW 3rd Ave for an activated carbon monoxide detector going off.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of NE 4th Ave for a physical altercation taking place. Subjects refused to press charges and agreed to stay away from each other.
April 19
Officer located two dogs running loose in the 900 block of North Center Ave. The owner was contacted in the 00 block of NE 9th Street and was able to get the dogs put back into a fence.
Officer was dispatched to the 700 block of NW 1st Street to assist a citizen with questions about an overweight vehicle.
Officer was dispatched to the 400 block of NW 2nd Ave for a complaint involving phone harassment. Several juveniles were involved and were warned to stop.
April 20
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of NW 4th Ave to assist IL DCFS with a possible child abuse case that reportedly took place in Kewanee. Kewanee PD was contacted for follow up.
Officer was dispatched to the 300 block of South Center Ave to remove a large tree limb that fell during a windstorm.
Officer was dispatched to a residence on NW 2nd Ave for a complaint involving an out-of-control juvenile.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of SW 4th Street to speak to a resident about possibly filing charges from a previous incident.
Officer was dispatched to the 100 block of NW 2nd Street for a tree that fell and pulled utility wires away from the house.
April 21
Officer was dispatched to the 800 block of East Division Street for an attempted scam report.
Officer was dispatched to the 500 block of NW 1st Ave for a loose dog complaint.
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of NW 4th Ave for a 9-1-1 hang up call. It was determined to be a mis dial.
April 22
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of East Division Street for a reckless driving complaint. Officer was not able to locate the vehicle.
Officer was dispatched to the 00 block of NE 5h Ave for a suspicious vehicle complaint. The driver claimed he was looking for a subject he had just met on Facebook.
Officer was dispatched to the 700 block of SW 4th Street for a suspicious vehicle complaint. A subject was reportedly taking photos of a residence in that area.
April 23
Officer was dispatched to the 200 block of NE 3rd Street for a 9-1-1 open line call. It was determined to be a child playing with a phone.
Officer was dispatched to a verbal domestic dispute in the 700 block of NW 1st Ave.
Officer was dispatched to the old wooden viaduct on Hayes Road for a report of subjects climbing on the bridge. Officer spoke to several subjects and told them to move along.
Officer was notified of a 9-1-1 hang up call in the 900 block of SE 2nd Street. The subject called back and said it was a mis dial.
Officer was dispatched to the 900 block of West Division Street for a barking dog complaint. The owner had put the dog outside and forgot about him.
April 18
Jacob Roth, 19, Tiskilwa, was issued citations for speeding and operating an uninsured vehicle in the 1200 block of SE 2nd Street.
April 23
A 17 year old subject from Kewanee was issued a citation for operating an uninsured vehicle in the 900 SE 2nd Street.
Service Requests: 1 Traffic Warnings 15 Citations: 3 Complaints: 26
Accidents:1 Criminal Arrests: Parking Citations: Ordinance Violations:
Administrative Warning Tickets: