Kewanee Scores 8 Goals to Win over Riverdale Rams


Results and game update courtesy of Jose Bermudez…

Great night was Wednesday night for the boilermakers soccer team, coming back home to win with a 8 to 0 score in favor of Kewanee, the party started early for the home team at the Kewanee’s stadium, with a few minutes into the game Cazares scored, adding three goals on his personal goal account only 2 goals short to beat Santos Contreras record .  The whole boiler team played very smart keeping possession of the ball and making the rams run behind the ball. Still with a short team, Kewanee looked very strong.

Cristian Casares 3 goals
JJ Roginski 2 goals.
Tony Moran 1 goal.
Miguel cortéz 1 goal
And an own goal.

Dillon Price had 4 saves

Alonso Corral 1
Tony Moran 1
JJ Roginski 1
Cristian Cazares 1
Tyson Currie 1

24 shots

Tyson Currie. Photos courtesy of the KHS Athletic Dept.
Dillian Price. Photos courtesy of the KHS Athletic Dept.
Miguel Cortez. Photos courtesy of the KHS Athletic Dept.
Cristian Cazares. Photos courtesy of the KHS Athletic Dept.

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