Bureau County Farm Bureau Receives New Horizon and Pinnacle Awards at 109th Annual Meeting


The Bureau County Farm Bureau was recognized for its outstanding programming at the 109th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Farm Bureau.  The Illinois Farm Bureau Annual Meeting provided an opportunity to recognize outstanding achievements by individual members and county Farm Bureaus (CFBs). Counties competed for awards with other counties of similar membership size and awards are given for five county groups. Bureau County is a member of Group IV which contains counties with 2,800 to 5,800 members.  The county programming year ran from September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023.

The awards have been evaluated by the County Activities of Excellence (CAE) program. The goals of the CAE program are to recognize CFBs for program excellence, encourage and assist CFBs with setting goals and priorities, inspire and promote innovative programming to meet member needs, promote programming in key areas, and provide a resource to counties to develop new programs.

The Bureau County Farm Bureau received the following awards this year:
New Horizon Award – Multi-County for the Pollinator Seed project.  This award encourages new and innovative programs as counties work together to offer programs. The Bureau, Lee, Marshall-Putnam, Stark, and Whiteside Counties collaborated with Ag View FS to sell pollinator seed to Farm Bureau members. This was the second year in a row that Bureau County has received this award.

Pinnacle Award – This is the Highest-level award given to the most outstanding county in each membership group to recognize overall program excellence related to the County Farm Bureau’s goals and priorities. This was the third year in a row that Bureau County has won this award.

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