Fritts Responds to State of the State Address


Following today’s State of the State Address, State Representative Brad Fritts (R-Dixon) released the following statement:

“Today we heard this year’s budget priorities from Governor Pritzker. I was deeply disappointed by his divisive, partisan rhetoric that showed us he is more focused on his national political ambitions than the people he was elected to represent.”

“Healthcare in rural Illinois is drowning right now. Hospitals are closing and specialty providers are packing up and leaving town. But instead of adequately funding Medicaid reimbursement rates to ensure hospitals across the state are able to keep their doors open, Governor Pritzker is paying an estimated $2.8 billion of taxpayer dollars for undocumented immigrants.”

Fritts also stated, “I am more than willing to come to the table and have these conversations with my colleagues across the aisle, but the doors to bipartisan cooperation remain closed. I urge my colleagues to offer us a seat at the table so that every part of Illinois is represented in the final FY25 budget.”

For more information about Representative Fritts, visit

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