Rock Falls Chamber Business Connections


The Rock Falls Chamber is proud to announce a new – fast paced – program to help small businesses connect and grow, Monthly Member Meet-Ups.  This drop-in style event will help business leaders build fresh relationships, share their story, and market in a new way.

Events are held monthly on a rotating schedule at the Rock Falls Chamber/Community Building.  Each event is co-hosted by three to four member businesses who will provide snacks and show off their products and services.  Chamber members are encouraged to attend and is open to all businesses.

“Businesses continually asked us about opportunities to gather, grow, and connect – with a short time commitment,” says Bethany Bland, President/CEO.  “Our Monthly Member Meet-Ups are setup to fulfill that need.  They offer a fast, flexible, schedule – and you just never know who you will meet in our office.  It’s a busy place.  Now we have a great schedule for people to drop-in and amazing hosts providing activities and food.”

The first event kicks off on Tuesday, January 24th from 11-1 at the Rock Falls Community Building.  Hosting this month are: Mak’s Indian American Grill, Sauk Valley Bank, R.S.V.P / Lifescapes, and Days Inn. Attendees are invited to bring event fliers, business cards, and information they would like the Rock Falls Chamber to share on facebook.

A full schedule of 2023 events and hosts is posted on the Rock Falls Chamber’s website at

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