The Sauk Valley Theatre Alliance presents the historical comedy musical, “The Trail to Oregon!” in its 12th year of Theatre in the Park. Free performances are planned for Thursday-Saturday, July 6-8, with showtimes at 7 p.m. on the outdoor stage on the back lawn of Woodlawn Arts Academy in Sterling. The production is sponsored by Savant Wealth Management.
“The Trail to Oregon!” is a fan-made musical based on the The Oregon Trail computer game. With only a six-person cast, this StarKid Productions musical is interactive, fun and almost educational. Choose your name, travel the trail, and try not to die of dysentery!
The production brings together directors, actors, musicians and designers from across the Sauk Valley area. Theatre in the Park veterans Sam Twining, Ellen Johnson, Jordann Langner-Fishman, Kerensa Pink, Joel Megill and Brayden Rodriguez will be directed by Tori Duffin.
Bring a chair and grab a place on the lawn at Woodlawn Arts Academy in Sterling. Guests may bring their own snacks and beverages. In case of inclement weather, the show will be moved inside Woodlawn Arts Academy. Viewer discretion is advised for language and some adult content.
The Sauk Valley Theatre Alliance is a partnership among Centennial Auditorium, Sauk Valley Community College and Woodlawn Arts Academy to provide the community with quality theatre experiences. Woodlawn Arts Academy is an agency of United Way of Lee and Whiteside counties.
For more information about the show, call Woodlawn Arts Academy at 815-626-4278 or email [email protected].