Stoller Reacts to Governor Signing Irresponsible Budget


State Senator Win Stoller (R-Germantown Hills) issued the following statement after Governor Pritzker signed the Democrats’ partisan budget, which spends over $50 billion in Fiscal Year 2024:

“Since the Governor first took office, we have seen our state budget’s spending go up by over $11 billion. Throughout that time, he has continued to tout his so-called ‘fiscal responsibility’ and ability to produce ‘balanced’ budgets. However, this budget is far from fiscally responsible or even balanced.

“The Governor and his allies are relying on the same old fiscal gimmicks and tricks that Illinoisans are sick and tired of in order to make his claims. This budget doesn’t account for this year’s upcoming contract negotiations with AFSCME, which will likely add hundreds of millions to our state’s spending. Additionally, this budget somehow ignores over half of a billion dollars that was projected to be spent on the state’s ill-conceived undocumented immigrant healthcare program.

“Without question, this budget will be anything from balanced by the end of our fiscal year, and the Governor claiming otherwise is dishonest.”

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