Kewanee Central Junior High School Eighth Grade Promotion and Awards Last Night


The threat of severe weather didn’t stop Kewanee Central Junior High School from holding its 8th-grade promotion last night, May 21, 2024. The promotion ceremony was held earlier than scheduled due to the threat of severe weather, but Kewane had no severe weather last night, and the 8th-grade students were promoted to high school and received awards.

Congratulations to the following students on their awards:

Silver Awards
Alondra Aguilera
Kiahna Camp
Evelyn Favela
Camila Herrera
Lillian Lee
Jaxon Modro
Samuel Hager
Caleb Wyant

Gold Awards
Aloria Button
Brooklyn Cress
Abbrielle Ensley
Avalyn Hughes
Faith Lingwall
Allyson Puskar
Olivia Ralston
Alexander Ramos
Avery Stisser
Lain Taylor
Kayleigh Wear

Math and Science Award
Avalyn Hughes

American Legion Awards
Lain Taylor
Olivia Ralston

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